文/印尼沙崙玫瑰教會副主任牧師 腓力‧曼都法
十年前我曾經在沙崙玫瑰教會的一百多位年輕人面前傳講這篇從神而來的信息:「興起!」。如果你很好奇這一百多位年輕人後來到哪裡去了,他們並沒有像雲煙般消失無蹤,他們今天已經增長到八千名的勇士, 坐滿了所有「神國軍隊」青年崇拜的椅子。
要贏得世界的注意力的其中一個方法,就是比他們更聰明。我們一定要成為「國家的頭腦」!讓我們當中沒有任何一個人因著缺乏智識而被人看扁。相反的,耶穌要我們比世界所有優秀的人更聰明。要記住所有神為我們行的神蹟奇事。去年,神讓我們在泗水的機場可以舉辦「Army of God」的佈道會。所以要知道沒有什麼是無法征服的!所以,不論在學校或職場,沒有什麼對我們而言是太難的功課或工作。沒有任何問題是大到無法解決的。
神的話語說:「祂的隊伍甚是強大!」。 我們不僅在數目上是龐大的,我們也應該擁有極大的影響力。只要我們順從神的話,不偏左也不偏右,神就會增加我們的影響力和支配力。我們將會主導我們國家和這個世代的未來。雖然我們年輕,但因著神,我們是在地上最有能力的一群人!
腓力‧曼都法 牧師
“God himself bellows in thunder as he commands his forces. Look at the size of that army! And the strength of those who obey him! God’s Judgment Day – great and terrible. Who can possibly survive this?” (Joel 2:11, The Message)
Ten years ago, in front of one hundred young people of Mawar Sharon Church, I spoke this one message from God: “Rise up!” If you are wondering where those one hundred people are now, certainly they are not vanished like smoke in thin air. They have become eight thousands strong who fill empty chairs in Army of God Youth Service today. Imagine the size of His army with us in the next ten years if we keep listening to His commands. However, number is not our main focus – winning a generation is!
We tend to believe that a youth church is weak and youth ministry always comes at second. Let us decide to see young people the way God sees them. Yes, they are young, but with Jesus inside they are powerful! Army of God is a tangible proof that God believes in young people. When I decided to believe in them ten years ago, a youth movement has been breached and countless lives have been changed. As a result, Indonesia has become the land of a mighty youth revival.
As an army of God, young people have these three roles:
1.To be highly spiritual
As God’s young people, we are not afraid to be super spiritual. When the world keeps sinning, we keep praying for the world to repent. When the world calls us freaks, we proudly declare that we are Jesus’ freaks. When the world thinks we are crazy, we boldly confess: “Yes, we are crazy in love with Jesus!” The world questions us for not following their way of life, but we demonstrate to them the higher way of life that is found in Christ. We shall speak to this generation loud and clear, that loving God is cool! That Christianity is cool!
2.To be highly intellectual
One way to gain the world’s attention is to be more intellectual than they are. We must become the brains of the nation! Let no one think lowly of us for we do not lack of any good knowledge. On the contrary, Jesus makes us smarter than any of the word’s intellectuals. Remember all the miracles and wonders that God has done for us. Last year, God gave us the airport to hold the Army of God crusade in Surabaya. Know that nothing is impossible for us to conquer! Therefore, no subjects are too difficult for us to master at school and at work. No problems are too big to solve.
3.To be highly influential
“Look at the size of that army!” says the Word of God. We are great in numbers, but we are also great in influence. As long as we are careful to obey His word and do not get off track, either to the left nor to the right, God will increase our influence and potency. We will determine the future of our nation and this generation. With God, we are the most powerful people on earth…though we are young!
Get ready to fight for holiness and righteousness!
Young Soldier in His Army,
Ps. Philip Mantofa
【本文出自AsiaforJESUS 亞洲青年誌第7期P.44-45】
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