
創辦人的話|偉大心胸的國度觀 The Kingdom Of Great Hearts

001文/印尼沙崙玫瑰教會副主任牧師 腓力‧曼都法牧師









The Kingdom Of Great Hearts

“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heartof the sons to the fathers, that I not come and strike the earth withutter destruction” (Mal 4:6)

Spiritual fatherhood in the kingdom of God is not about physical age; but Christ-like maturity, knowledge and authority. Undoubtedly, fathers are a generation of the great hearts. Instead of mere position, their role is to teach everything they know and experience to their spirirual children-sparing nothing.

Yes, it’s never been naturally easy to be so available and vulnerable even to your own disciples. Humility is key. Great hearts must be willing to see their juniors achieve greater status in the kingdom as a result of theirfaith and prayerful mentoring. Loving people into greatness and all for the purpose of expanding the kingdom of God and glorifying the King!

Spiritual children in the kingdom of God, on the other hand, should honor their fathers with all of their hearts. Submission to their fathers’ leadership and authority must not come out of fear, but love.

As much as they have been unconditionally accepted, should they learn to accept their fathers’ strengths and weaknesses. For the kingdom of God does not consist of performance nor talk; but of love, faith, and great hearts!

Now, let the fathers in the kingdom be great examples of faith who inspire. Not so that their children should be like them, but to be greater than them! For this is what these fathers-and our heavenly Father- truly desire.

Welcome to the greater anointing!

Your father/son in Christ,
Pastor Philip
Ps. Philip Mantofa

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