Media Management and Publishing

Apart from various channels such as print media, internet and TV to share the messages through Kingdom Culture, Equip Courses, Gospel evangelism, Career transformation, we also actively place Joshua Band Praise and Worship music to Spotify, Youtube, iTunes, as well as different music streaming service platform in Taiwan, China, Singapore and Malaysia. We hope to bring the message and revelation of Kingdom Culture, and music that brings worship and honor to God, to all nations and ends of the earth.

TV Show Production

Asia for JESUS Team has produced the TV show “Critical 30”. The team is currently working on Asia for JESUS online video platform, with the hope of touching people’s lives through the self-produced show and bringing positivity into our community. We are on the road to seeing transformation through media in action!


【Program Air Time】

Sharing Values: Friday night, 21:30
Critical 30: Friday night, 21:03 Premier
Saturday 18:30, Tuesday 15:30 Rerun

Web Media

Asia for JESUS operates through various Web media. Apart from using video platforms and social media to share Kingdom Culture messages, the official website also has a collection of relevant articles, videos, topical sharing, as well as video sermon streaming. These can all be accessed through PCs, phones and tablets in languages including Traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English. We hope to provide a media platform that equips and builds up followers of Christ across nations.

Website Visits



Number of Official Website Members


Asia for JESUS
YouTube views


Asia for JESUS
Facebook fan numbers


Joshua Band
Facebook fan numbers


Asia for JESUS
Instagram fans


Joshua Band
Instagram fans


(Numbers above calculated until 2017/11)

Print Media

Asia for JESUS publishes Asia Revival Times and Kingdom Revival in Youth regularly. We interview famous Christians in various career paths, and report on conferences and evangelism opportunities that are hosted or attended by our team. This enables us to share the Kingdom Culture messages through writings, to have people’s hearts touched as they read about God’s doings.

Asia Revival Times

Number of Issues 3
Number of expected copies in 2018 28,000

Kingdom Revival
in Youth

monthly published

Books and Video/Audio Publication

2017 Publications


CDs and DVDs
