2014 Review of This Year's Ministry 2014 Review of This Year's Ministry

Conferences and Evangelistic Meetings Conferences and Evangelistic Meetings

oversea missions oversea missions

Malaysia –Kingdom Conference
4,709 Attendance
649 Accepted Jesus
Time: 4 Jun. – 7 Jun.
Location: Johor Bahru

The location of the meeting was moved from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bahru, Negeri Johor, for the first time, and a short-term mission team was sent out to Johor Bahru before the conference to carry out street evangelistic actions. A lot of young people were touched by God during the evangelistic meetings, praying and asking God with tears to bless their land. This evangelistic meeting has become the evangelistic meeting with the highest attendance rate in the history of Johor.

Japan for JESUS
2,500 Attendance
50 Accepted Jesus
Time: 13 Aug. – 15 Aug.
Location: Nakano Zero Hall in Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Japan for JESUS Japan for JESUS

This was the second time heading to Tokyo to hold a conference and prayer and healing courses were held before the conference to train fellow prayer and healing workers. During the last evening healing crusade, within 10 minutes after the opening, the reverend immediately made an altar call to accept Jesus and at the same time invited all the sick within the hall to receive prayer and healing service. Not long after the altar call to accept Jesus, Rev. Philip handed the baton over to the local pastors and together declared with hope that all the healing grace will happen in each of the churches in Japan!

Japan for JESUS
2,500 Attendance
50 Accepted Jesus
Time: 1 Nov. – 3 Nov.
Location: Sapporo, Hokkaidō
Japan for JESUS Japan for JESUS

Through the messages, brothers and sisters were encouraged and challenged to go out and win souls! During each of the meetings, the Holy Spirit greatly poured out, and we saw the reserved and strict Japanese people starting to be on fire for the Lord and prayed urgently for their nation and for the next generation. The special thing is, the boy, Shuya, who was the first to run to the front of the stage to accept Christ last year at the Hokkaidō conference also came this year to the conference, and he told the team with excitement that he joined to serve in a worship team at his church! The team believes that these works of God is just a beginning and Japan will receive even more and even greater blessings!

Vancouver Canada Kingdom Freedom Culture Conference
1,641 Attendance
Time: 2 Oct. – 4 Oct.
Location: Los Angeles
Los Angeles Kingdom Culture Conference

The first day was the meeting of pastors, elders, and deacons, and nearly 100 pastors came from all over North America to meet and share together. During the conference, workshop classes such as Building Up Disciples, Transforming the Workplace, Deeper Worship, and Building a Team of Staff Members were held to help equip the brothers and sisters even more.

Los Angeles Kingdom Culture Conference
520 Attendance
Time: 10 Oct. – 12 Oct.
Location: Vancouver
Japan for JESUS Japan for JESUS Japan for JESUS

The conference is held for the first time in Canada. Through the messages, brothers and sisters that participated were able to get closer to God’s heart and we were able to see that because of the commitment and the efforts of the pastors, the relationships were able to be connected in a more deeper and more wider sense.

Harvest 100 Campus Movement Harvest 100 Campus Movement


Schools Connected


Churches that Participated: 102


Pastors, Students, and Teachers that Participated

100 100

Harvest 100 Campus Movement believes that “Winning Today’s Younger Generation is Winning the Future of Taiwan,” and has committed in promoting campus gospel movement, equipping and training youth leaders. Since holding “Harvest 100 Leadership School,” it has been held 52 times so far, with 11,255 attendees, where 2,019 of them gave their lives to Jesus. Since 2011, we started the “Harvest 100 New Moral Movement,” where we gathered students from various campuses, Christian teachers, and church pastors and formed regional campus teams, where actual action is then taken to bring Kingdom Culture into the campus by launching a series of new moral movement, such as “Christians, Come on Over,” “Teacher, I Support You,” and “I Don’t Cheat.” A total of 214 colleges and institutions joined, 102 churches participated, and over 3,500 pastors, students, and teachers were involved in the movement. We have even gained the support and approval of many campus teaching and administrative staff.
At the same time, we started pushing the “Campus Evangelistic Movement” in 2013, inviting pastors, students, and teachers, these three parties to form a cord of three strands that is not easily broken on the campuses in hopes of using various methods and facets to get in contact with students and spread the gospel. When campuses hold large evangelistic meetings, Harvest 100 will even provide evangelistic sources, such as speakers, worship team, and performing artists, who will give testimonies. We will become supporters of the team, because we want to see the younger generation saved by God, and the future of Taiwan being born through the gospel.

Supernatural Worship School Supernatural Worship School


No. of Students in Classes 1~3

Supernatural Worship School Supernatural Worship School Supernatural Worship School

Not only is the “Supernatural Worship School” that started in 2012 a professional worship class designed to gear towards musicians, worship leaders, and vocals, but has also opened diversified worship experience, such as dance classes, and life courses and messages. Including students from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore, the number of graduates in the last two classes was 192, and the 3rd class started in September 2014. The school has a strong lineup of instructors; besides the worship leaders and pastors from various churches, we had once invited Martin Tang, the winner of Golden Melody Awards for Best Musical Arranger of the Popular Music Category, Dwayne Roberts, the international director of IHOP, Sidney Mohede, head of JPCC Worship Team, Gateway Worship from Gateway Church, Bethel Music from Bethel Church, etc., to be guest lecturers, so as to broaden the Kingdom perspective of students.

Supernatural Worship School Supernatural Worship School

No. Browsed Official


Members of Official




Asia for JESUS
Asia Revival Magazine

No. of Volumes22

No. Printed Per Volume15,000

Read Paper

No. of Volumes45

No. Printed Per Volume12,000


Through operating pluralistic media channels: Asia for JESUS website, Asia for JESUS Asia Revival Magazine, Facebook, Youth Newsletter of the Kingdom Revival Times, and Read Paper, we connect with or disciple this generation with the values of the Kingdom of God! Starting in 2014, the pastors of Asia for JESUS has even started to produce a series of new audio-video program, through television and internet media, to get in touch with those including seekers and unbelievers from China. In addition, the official website also has a new revision, not only does it support computers, cell phones, and tablets, and in three language versions, namely traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, and English, it has even brought together services, such as written reports and audio-visual materials over the years, sharing of featured themes, and streaming of multimedia messages, etc., hoping to become a media platform that disciples the nations across borders, time, and space.